Rescue Cambodia

Rescue Cambodia is a haven to orphan and at risk children, families living with HIV/AIDS and destitute elderly women. Adam first travelled to Rescue in 2013 as part of a group from his church. It was a trip that focussed on preparing and teaching English lessons to the Rescue children. Adam would be the first to say that those children impacted him far more than what he could give to them, and returned to Cambodia with another team in the summer of 2015. Adam continued to support Rescue long after his visits there and was often present to volunteer and support them when a tour would come through Canada on one of their dance tours.

Since Adam’s last visit to Rescue in Phnom Penn, two additional Rescue centres have been built; Rescue II is in the northern Cambodian town of Mongkol Borey, and Rescue III is in Pailin, just minutes from the Thai border. Rescue also has 3 university dorms, ‘House of New Dreams’, that are located in the cities of Phnom Penh and Sisophan.

In February 2024, an amazing playground was built at Rescue I and dedicated in memory of Adam. The dedication ceremony was attended by his family and was a beautiful event that celebrated Adam and his love for Rescue and those they serve.