Casa Luz: House of Light
Casa Luz is located in San Jose, Costa Rica. It is an organization that provides a safe place for young mothers and their children who come from situations of abuse, extreme poverty, and exploitation. Known as a ‘House of Light’, they provide a safe place for these young women to live, provide the help they need to heal, and the resources they require to flourish. Adam first went to Casa Luz as a member of a missions minded team. He was impacted by the people who founded and grew the organization as well as the young women, and their committment to breaking the cycle of abuse and building bright futures for these young families. Adam travelled to Casa Luz several times and led a number of teams down to complete much needed maintenance and work projects there. Through the influence of Godly men who were committed to the vision of Casa Luz, Adam joined the board of Casa Luz where he was able to contribute to the leadership and direction of this wonderful organization. Casa Luz is nearing the completion of a much needed playground that will be dedicated to Adam’s memory.